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good idea game

I absolutely loved the art style of this game, it reminds me of the old PS1 style vibe. I was actually going to ask how you were able to copy it so well, because I've been wanting to make a game like that. Overall though, I enjoyed the premise of the game and think it has real potential! Good job.


Thank you! Well, there were few things that i think were crucial to the artstyle, and i'm thinking about posting a post-mortem in the near future to tell about the process in a more detailed fashion, but basically:

1. Low resolution textures with decent pixel art

2. Low polycount on 3d models

3. (World) camera renders to a small resolution texture, that is then scaled to the screen size (in this game it was 480x270px, firstly 384x216px)

4. Every texture had no filtering (bi-linear, tri-linear etc.) - in Unity you can use "point filter" -option

5. Use billboarded (pixel art) sprites as 3d objects (such as the hands or NPC's in this case)

There was an actual vertex displacement shader for simulating the PSX-like vertex "twitching" effect, but i scrapped it, because i couldn't make it work with shadows and lights other than vertex lit - and it looked like crap compared to the current way of doing it. 

I added some bloom, grain and chromatic aberration as post processing.

The game looks really good, I loved exploring it.
Especially liked the slav party and emotional bridge

Thanks! I was pondering between letting there be a "hole" in the barriers of the explorable world, so you could find a way to walk around in the "set pieces" of the level (and therefore explore the "behind-the-scenes" parts of the world), but it would've been a cheap trick. 

(1 edit)
I'm not drunk enought to talk with women

Oh! looks like he needs some alcohol to say something smart...
3 hackings later:

I AM tHe MOOOst HändsOOMME mÄN IN the UNIVERS! No hag is Good enuff!!

I Love it 🤣🤣🤣

But it was something smart! The potential partners were just simple planes with simple sprites animated in 2 frames. The main character was being controlled by you! Who were the most händsome män in the (game) univers after all?

For somewone like me, who made game first time, this game looks big and awesome. Design is really good. Good to meet fellow комрадес so suddenly.

Спасибо! The scope was maybe too much and i had no clear vision from the start. So you're from Russia, i assume? Greetings from the neighbor (из Финляндии)

Almost Russia, Ukraine. Maybe, because i'm never touching 3D because it is too much complicated, and it's too tight.