Day 4.2 / 6: Security cams, bugs, vending machines

The day has gone by planning how to crunch this in the last 30 hours or so. I fixed a hell lot of bugs (even tho there's still quite a bunch left, but nothing critical). The last few time-consuming tasks that i am afraid to promise are

>Quest system through messages to the PDA



Other than those, i think most of the programming side of things are now done. But then there's level design, quest design, sound design. I've neglected those, because i've been busy making the gameplay work - quests are crucial for it so i think it will be the next task i'm gonna take. 

Still considering if saving/loading is worth it in a jam game, but luckily it should not be too complicated task to execute.

And then, of course happening in every game jam, when the end is nigh and you are preparing yourself to upload the game, you'll notice all the crucial things like menus, pauses, mute-buttons etc. that are lacking. 

Get Night Market 2077

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